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Ik heb geen melding gekregen in de vorm van een bericht dat ik over mijn bundel ben gegaan.

Normaal krijg ik wel een bericht dat ik over mijn bundel ben gegaan. Ik ben hierdoor veel over mijn bundel heen gegaan.

Het ligt eraan welke bundel je het over hebt. Alleen bij databundels krijg je een notificatie. Bel/SMS bundels niet.

Een moderator gaat kijken naar jouw situatie.
Hi Lauren,

Welkom op het Simyo Forum!

Ik snap dat je het jammer en vervelend vindt dat je geen waarschuwing hebt gehad! Ik heb je aansluiting erbij gepakt en ik zie dat er inderdaad een waarschuwing verstuurd had moeten worden. Ik zie ook dat je mijn collega hebt gesproken en dat jullie tot een oplossing zijn gekomen. Dat is fijn om te zien!

Heb je nog andere vragen?

@ Groentjuh, dank voor je reactie!


Same thing happening to me. I didn’t get any message about the bundles being over. I think Simyo has an IT problem and is now making its customers pay for it. I am going to contact customer service tomorrow and see what they can do...
You will only get a 80% warning message for your databundel. Are you sure there is no SMS received?

I see you posted the same message somewhere else. Its more clear for the Simyo people if:

a) Don’t post the same message in multiple threads.

b) Open a new topic for a new case.
thanks for the reply but normally you get a message about your bundles being over too:

Extra MB's kopen

Je ontvangt een waarschuwing bij 80% en 100% verbruik van je internetbundel. Wil je verder internetten zonder extra kosten? Dan kun je extra MB’s bijkopen via Mijn Simyo of de Mijn Simyo app.
Aangezien je hier gewoon Nederlands typt vraag ik mij stiekem af waarom je er voor hier kiest dat in het Engels te doen. Het is niet de bedoeling om in meerdere topics je vraag te stellen of een probleem aan te kaarten. Dit gaf @wimj12 ook al aan. Het is nogal onoverzichtelijk voor hun die hier zijn om andere te helpen (klanten / Simyo medewerkers).

Je hoort een bericht te krijgen bij 80 en 100% van je bundelverbruik. De vraag of je het zeker weet of je ze niet hebt gehad is reëel, soms zitten sms inboxen vol en ja, daar kan Simyo weinig aan doen. Ook kun je ze per ongeluk gemist hebben, gebeurt ook wel eens.

I think Simyo has an IT problem and is now making its customers pay for it.

Dat is niet waar. Als blijkt dat je de berichten echt niet heb gehad omdat ze niet zijn verstuurd is dat een probleem die Simyo moet oplossen. Die kosten mogen zij dus niet bij klanten neerleggen. Neemt niet weg dat klanten zelf ook verantwoordelijk zijn om hun verbruik in de gaten te houden.

Hier lees wat je zelf nog meer kan doen.
Hi, sorry for the confusion, indeed I posted in Dutch but then I didn’t feel sure enough about replying in Dutch so I wrote in English.

I find this answer very customer unfriendly. Why do you assume I am saying something not true ? My inbox isn’t full or anything. I did not receive the message at all and it seems I am not the only one here. If a claim arises it is Simyo’s responsibility to check whether they actually sent me the message. If they have proof then they can say I am wrong but until that I shouldn’t be the one to question.
Hi, sorry for the confusion, indeed I posted in Dutch but then I didn’t feel sure enough about replying in Dutch so I wrote in English.

I find this answer very customer unfriendly. Why do you assume I am saying something not true ? My inbox isn’t full or anything. I did not receive the message at all and it seems I am not the only one here. If a claim arises it is Simyo’s responsibility to check whether they actually sent me the message. If they have proof then they can say I am wrong but until that I shouldn’t be the one to question.

Ray is customer just like other "Forum Experts". He can only try to help by giving information. He cannot see whenever or not warnings were sent. Simyo employees (on the forum: Moderators) can however. I believe his response covers both possibilities: Warnings sent or warnings not sent. Either way it's up to a moderator to respond.

He is right about posting the same issue in multiple locations. Moderators read everything, so they will see your problem multiple times now. This generally means they are wasting time they could spend solving other issues or trying to offer better service.

I did notice a pretty big rise in people saying they did not get warnings recently. Sadly I cannot see whenever those claims are right and how Simyo solves these kind of issues, because that happens behind the scenes. Most customers were satisfied by the solution they were given, so I do believe moderators will try to help you the best they can.
I find this answer very customer unfriendly. Why do you assume I am saying something not true ?

First of all, i'm not an employee but a customer. I answer based from experience i have in my time here.

I said it isn't true customers have to pay if they didn't receive the 80 and 100% sms. In that case it is an fault of Simyo so it's not logical that customers pay for their mistakes. Simyo is very open and honest about this kind of things.

So what you said isn't based on facts because you didn't spoke with an moderator yet. So therefore it isn't true. Here you can read the Dutch reaction that @Jihane gave to the topic starter in this topic. She is a moderator of Simyo and has confirmed that the messages have not been sent and that there already is an solution. So just wait untill a moderator contacted you to.

I noticed also that there are more customers who said they didn't got the 80 and 100% SMS.

I find this answer very customer unfriendly. Why do you assume I am saying something not true ? My inbox isn’t full or anything. I did not receive the message at all and it seems I am not the only one here.

I did not assume that you were lying. I just asked: "Are you sure". But since I am just a customer its better that I refrain from reacting further in this topic
Ok, thanks for your replies. In the end I contacted Simyo and now waiting for their reply.

have a good day
Hi EmyCB,

I assume everything is being investigated now? If not, let me know!

Have a nice day!


