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I am a student who doesn't understand dutch and the charges being levied on additional use for data is unfair and I can't afford it. I suppose I didn't notice due to the language issue about the additional costs. Furthermore, the bundle cost of 0.15€/MB seems excessive, and I believe it is really unfair to charge me such an outrageous sum without doing any additional enquiryIt has been saying me to pay around 100 euros to unblock the account. can you please help me to solve this issue? Hope to hear from you soon!

Given you posted this just before the start of the next month, you're likely unblocked anyway. Possibly you need to restart your phone.

I would advise using the "dataplafond”-bundle. That way internet stops to moment your bundle runs out. That way you avoid this high 0,15 euro/MB costs. If you activate it now, it will be active at the start of new year!
