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Hi, I'd like to ask for my SIM card number as I want to transfer my current number to Vodafone. Vodafone has asked me to provide a long SIM card number which I find it quite difficult to figure out. Thanks in advance!

The number of the simcard can be found at your own MijnSimyo page.

Follow the link to your page, log in and see the number at the top. It's called Simkaartnummer and has 8 numbers.
Vodafone has asked me to provide different number: 19-digit-SIM-number. I installed "SIM Card INFO" app from Google play (android) to check my "real" SIM number. The number seen from this app does not appear to valid because when I put the number in Vodafone's webpage it says invalid SIM number. Perhaps it might be Vodafone's fault, but I want to check and make sure if Simyo customer service has the same 19-digit-SIM-number as I do.
Simyo / KPN has 8 digits. Maybe you can call their costumerservice? They have to accept the nummer that is written on your MijnSimyo page.

Their phonenumber is 0800-0560 and is free of charge.
Hi Davidsuh79,

Welcome at our forum! :)

How unfortunate that Vodafone asks you to provide another sim card number which consists of 19 digits! Our sim cards all consist of 8 digits. We don't provide sim card numbers with 19 digits. You can find your sim card number at Mijn Simyo, when you go to Instellingen (settings) > Simkaart (sim card). There you'll find the sim card number you need. This is the only real sim card number we have for you.

The reason Vodafone asks for your sim card number, is because we have to verify if it's the right one. Vodafone can't say your sim card number is wrong, because they don't know your sim card number. It looks like Vodafone doesn't accept sim card numbers which aren't 19 digits. That would be the fault of Vodafone, because nowadays there are more providers who have numbers with 8 digits. If I were you, I would ask Vodafone how to put in your 8-digit sim card number.

Will you let me know if you need any help with this?

Kind regards,


@Ray, Heel erg bedankt voor je hulp! 🙂
