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I received a new SIM a few weeks ago and everything worked fine since then. But suddenly this weekend the phone started saying that there is No SIM. I tried the sim in another phone (not iPhone 6 but iPhone 4S with the adaptor for the smaller SIM) and it works fine, but not on the iPhone 6. I thought maybe was the phone, but I tried with different SIMs on the iPhone 6 and they all worked without a problem. Does anyone have this same problem? How did you solved it?

Thank you very much.


Hi javierdfm,

Welcome on our forum:)

I checked your subscription. It shows that you use your new SIM from the beginning of February. Did it always work, until now? That’s strange.:?

Did you change something to your phone or to the settings?

Can you try to sync your iPhone 6 again with iTunes? With the SIM placed in the slot. I hope that will help:$

And if that doesn't help, can you turn off your phone. Get the SIM out of the SIM slot. Place the sim again after 15 minutes. And restart your phone again.

Did that help? If that also didn’t do the trick, we have to sent you a new SIM. Can you please let me know?
Hi Ruud,

I tried all combinations possible, even restoring the iPhone completely but no luck, is like the combination of the iPhone and the SIM card in some way it doesn't work. I tried the SIM in other phones and worked perfectly fine.

I just ordered a new SIM card and hope the new one works fine. is there a way not to pay again the 5 euros charging for that SIM?

Thank you very much.


Hi Javierfm,

That's fast 😃 Ok, I hope the new SIM will work. For this time I covered the charged 5 Euro's for the SIM replacement.

Can you let me know if it helped?
Hi Ruud,

Thank you very much for this. I will tell you if everything works with the new SIM.


Hi javierdfm,

Thanks in advance for your reply 🙂 We've send your replacement simcard this morning. You'll probably recieve it within 2 days. Let's hope this will solve your simcard problem!

Best regards,

Hi, I´ve received the new SIM card and it works perfectly!

Thank you very much for your fast support.


Hi Javier, thanks for letting us know 😃
