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Hi there


I'm currently in US and I moved my old provider nr to Simyo. However, I cant make any inbound and outbound calls but receive and send text messages goes fine. All my settings are accurate as far as I can see. 

Could you re-activate my sim card and let see if that works? I have restarted the phone several times and try to change network provider but the issue persists.




Hi @nylen,

Thank you for your message. How difficult it is that you don't have a network connection in the US! 

I looked up your subscription in our system and I see that your settings are correct on your account. I would like to point out the tarives for calling and using internet in the US, this isn’t included in your bundle which means you'd have to pay extra for this. You can find our tarives on our website. 

I'd like to reset your sim card, your sim card will then reconnect to the network. Can you send me a private message with your personal data? 

