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Dear Madam/Sir,

I requested a new "Simkaart" on the 28th of December 2016.

However, I have not yet received it, while it should have been delivered within 3 working days.

Shall I just put in a new request for a "Simkaart"?
A Simyo moderator can verify whether a simcard request has been received, but in the mean time please check whether your registered address - this can be found if you log in to Mijn Simyo - is still correct.
Welcome on this forum, Osaloio.

No that's not necassily, a moderator will take care of this issue. It is important to check your adress information on your mijn simyo. A moderator normaly gives a response on workdays within 24 hours.

No worries. :)

Best regards,

Hey Osaloio,

I think there still haven't been 3 workdays since, because the holidays have been up to now.

To my view it will be deliverd at last at the 11th of Januar, because the first workday is monthday,tomorrow.

But this could be me.

Greetings Paul.
Paul, levering simkaart gaat gewoon door ondanks de vakanties. Hij had de sim uiterlijk 3 januari moeten hebben.
Hi Osaloio,

Welcome at this forum :)

I am so sad to hear that you didn't receive your simcard yet. I can see that the simcard was sent at the 28th of december, so you already had to have it.

Could you check if the address at Mijn Simyo is still the right address? That's the address the simcard was sent to. If it's still the right address, then we will give you a new simcard for free. If it's not the right address, will you then put in the right adress at Mijn Simyo and let me know? Then we will take care that you receive a new simcard at the right one.

I'd like to hear from you :)

Kind regards,


@Scotsman, Friesian, PaulH & Raytje, Thanks guys 😃
