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Dear Manager

I’m using 10G bundle for internet.

But internet data was not blocked until reached the overcharge 100 Euro for extra internet data.

However the main purpose of using bundle package is to prevent unexpected high bill.

Please help me solving this issue.

Best regards. 

First: Forum expert = Helping customer; Moderator = Simyo employee!


Bundles are not a way to prevent overcharges at Simyo. They are simply a way to get cheaper data.

Simyo will NOT stop you using data after you have used the data of your bundle. You may just continue doing it that. However it will be charged 0,15 euro per MB used.

Before that happens, Simyo will have sent you 2 warnings by SMS. 1 at 80% of data usage and 1 at 100% of data usage. Preferably you use those warnings to either buy an extra 500MB bundle or lower your data usage.

I do want to mention 2 blogs:

  • Get a overview of your data usage using the tips in this blog.
  • Prevent running out of data using tips in this blog.

Sadly, those blogs are in Dutch, so...



I highly recommend reading the links Groentjuh shared. It's important to know that Simyo doesn't stop the internet when the bundle is all used up, you have to turn off the internet yourself. I see you've also sent me a private message, I will help you there!


Thanks Groentjuh!


Kind regards,

