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Hello, usually I receive  a text that I have used 100% of my internet and block it then not to go over the monthly amount by much. But this time I received only a text at 80% last Sunday, and then nothing. So I forgot to block my internet, and now I have over 200 euros to pay! This isn’t normal. I would never have reached this amount usually by seeing the texts of having used 100%. I can show you screenshots if you want. I have never received the last sms. This isn’t normal. I continued using internet like normal because I was not aware to be already above the limit.  I hope you can assist me, and I wish i don’t have to pay this amount. Thanks in advance for your understanding…. That would be nice if we could come to an agreement :)

Hello @E90 (BMW driver? I have had an E90 too :smile: ), a moderator (= Simyo employee) will look at it and comes back to you. Most likely you are requested to send him/her a private message to come to a solution.

Hello, the issue has just been solved via WhatsApp. There has been an issue with sending sms lately from Simyo and the extra costs i don’t have to pay. Thanks!

@E90 Thanks for your post!

Hi E90,


Thanks for your response! Sorry I couldn't help you earlier!


Kind regards,

