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Hi all,

Is it possible to purchase extra data as a one time off transaction to supplement my monthly plan?


No, it is not possible to buy extra data to supplyment your month plan.

It is however possible to change your plan every month. When you can predict extra data-usage, you can increase your plan and decrease it again the next month. Changes to your plan must be done before the 25th of the month.
Thank you for your answer. It would be useful to offer extra data bundles that can be added on top of the basic plan. It's hard to predict data usage some times.

For example: I have used a lot of data this month and my allocated bandwidth is almost done. In my current situation I am just avoiding to use data, but if I could purchase an extra data pack than I would do that. So this could be en extra source of revenue. I also don't want to use more than what I currently have on my data plan because the extra data is way overpriced.
Hi alex.giurgiu, welcome on our Simyo forum :$

It’s not possible to buy more data. We are working on it. So it's something that we are thinking about.

At the moment you can’t buy more data. On my Simyo page you can choose to upgrade your internet bundle. That way you have a higher bundle for the next month.

Do you have more questions? :)

@ Groentjuh; thank you for your help 😃
