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Hello, first of all a few days ago I had to go to Amsterdam and on my way back I recived some messages concerning a "new" instalation/application of your phone's MMS. I know that the new trains of NS have kind of a deal with KPN, meaning that there is free Wi-fi available for smart-phones such as mine. However, when I accepted this "instalation" it modified my phone in such way that I couldn't use Wi-fi in other places BUT only there in the NS trains! 

This morning I tried to reset my phone, but on the contrary, what I did made things worse. :( well... not everything. My Wi-fi worked normally again but now my internet arrangament with Symio didn't work! :mad: and additionally to this, my phone's signal is also very bad (normally it is 4 stripes, but now its only one or max. two stripes.)

Another thing that is bothering me is the fact that sometimes I can't call and I can't receive calls either! 

What do I do?! I hope my phone has a solution 😕

ah, for your information, I have paid this month's phone abonament, and also called the Symio desk-service (1200) but I didn't receive any message from them at the moment.

I'm looking as soon as possible for a reaction, 

Thank you.
Welkom to our forum Saravl,

I would like to know what kind of mobile phone you use. Did you already tried to reset your phone. Most of the time this is a solution.


I have a Samsung Galaxy Mini S5570 and yes, I already tried to reset my phone and nothing changed :(changes

Yesterday, I changed my SIM card to another phone (who also has a Symio abonnament) and yet, this phone didn't have any Symio signal or had mobile internet.

So I think the problem is my Symio SIM
We just had contact with our technical service. They checked your data, but they can not find anything strange. How long did you tried an other phone? Because they can not see that you tried an other phone.

You have to switch off wifi and try to connect manually with the KPN network. What kind of text do you see when you try to connect the KPN network?


