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I'm new in Simyo,  I have ordered and activated my simyo sim card in February, choosing a monthly subscription.

I have sent an email to customer service but getting an answer back takes ages it seems. Of course reaching you by the phone is impossible too. That is why I've gone to forum.

So here is the case:

I'm going through my billing information for February and I see a few things that are not clear.

1- why do you charge 5 euro for nano sim card, especially when this is the first sim card I want to order? In application form there is no option to select what type of sim card I need, and you are sending automatically a macro/micro sim card without making sure it's needed.

2 - I have never sent a sms abroad. Billing info says: 5x sms to the UK!! 0.25 eur each. Why is that? The person I was texting at that time was somebody also in Simyo! Please make it clear for me.

3- On billing info I see 4x subscription cost in 1 month (2x internet bundle and 2x Simyo 100). Why do you double it? 

4- 2 days ago I changed my monthly subscription to year subscription (starting from March) but I do not see any confirmation of it anywhere on my profile. Could you tell me whether the change I made was successful, when it will be effective and where can i check it?

Hope to hear back from you soon,



2 - I have never sent a sms abroad. Billing info says: 5x sms to the UK!! 0.25 eur each. Why is that? The person I was texting at that time was somebody also in Simyo! Please make it clear for me.

This is explained on various places on the internet, for example here: :

FaceTime is activated by sending a couple of SMS text messages in the background between the iPhone and an Apple server. If your carrier does not officially support the iPhone 4, you may be charged for sending the activation SMS to an international (UK) number. Your carrier might also have issues delivering the SMS correctly which will prevent FaceTime from activating.

After enabling FaceTime in iPhone settings, your iPhone will attempt to send a "silent text message" (i. e. a text you don't know about) to Apple, that registers your telephone number on Apple's servers used for FaceTime. Apple then returns a "silent coded text message" to your iPhone, that activates the FaceTime within iOS4.

I'm new in Simyo,  I have ordered and activated my simyo sim card in February, choosing a monthly subscription.

I have sent an email to customer service but getting an answer back takes ages it seems. Of course reaching you by the phone is impossible too. That is why I've gone to forum.

So here is the case:

I'm going through my billing information for February and I see a few things that are not clear.

1- why do you charge 5 euro for nano sim card, especially when this is the first sim card I want to order? In application form there is no option to select what type of sim card I need, and you are sending automatically a macro/micro sim card without making sure it's needed.

2 - I have never sent a sms abroad. Billing info says: 5x sms to the UK!! 0.25 eur each. Why is that? The person I was texting at that time was somebody also in Simyo! Please make it clear for me.

3- On billing info I see 4x subscription cost in 1 month (2x internet bundle and 2x Simyo 100). Why do you double it? 

4- 2 days ago I changed my monthly subscription to year subscription (starting from March) but I do not see any confirmation of it anywhere on my profile. Could you tell me whether the change I made was successful, when it will be effective and where can i check it?

Hope to hear back from you soon,



Hoi Bogusia,

Welkom op het forum!

De kosten voor de nano simkaart zullen door Simyo gecrediteerd worden op je factuur. De app Facetime stuurt de sms ter registratie van de app. Bij een systeemherstel (fabrieksinstellingen) van het toestel is het mogelijk dat het toestel de gegevens deactiveert, waardoor je FaceTime opnieuw moet instellen en kosten voor het versturen van het smsÂ’je weer in rekening worden gebracht.

Op je 1ste factuur betaal je altijd abonnementskosten voor 2 maanden. Zie hier meer informatie over je 1ste factuur. Ik kan niet zien dat je bundel hebt gewijzigd naar een jar abonnement. Ik raad je aan je bundel nogmaals aan te passen naar een jaar.
