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i bought a simyo sim card some weeks ago i activated it correctly following the insctruction form simyo.

everything worked perfectly until today. 

today my credit was around 2 euros so i topped up of 20 euro via the website and ideal.

after that i cannot call anymore and everytime i do so an automatic voice tells me ""Uw aansluiting is om administratieve redenen buiten gebruik gesteld"the i called klanten service van simyo and after 4 security questions and 2 time being put on hold (thanks god is gratis) the operator decided to help me.

he said he does not know why i cannot call anymore (if they do not know who should know) but she would try to deactivate and then activate again the sim card. i had to switch off my mobile wait 15 minutes and the switch it on again. 

i did it but nothing changed.

today i was supposed to call 2 clients and i could not do that because of this mess. why my sim card was deactivated anyway?

with t mobile i never had such problems for 2 years with simyo after few weeks already this.

now the klanten service is closed and i have to wait until tomorrow.

the tarieven maybe are cheaper but if i lose clients because i cannot call what is the point? 

instead to ask 3-4 security questions is better to give people a solution and solve problems

time is money

i think that KPN which is the owner of the lines do this on pourpose to make simyo lose clients and credits

a old trick that telecom was doing also im my country.

if simyo do not act quickly is going to be a big loss for them cos i need to be able to call and i have no time to solve such problems

i am very pissed off with the situation
Montecristo that is a serious problem.

Are you in the Netherlands on a permanent basis?

If so, maybe you should think about a mobile telephone contract instead of prepay.
no thanks i do not want UCC contracts i had t mobile for 2 jaren en nothing of this happened if they are unable to solve it i change back to t mobile.

very strange anyway someone shout out the line just like this 
I will write it ny forum and recensie website!

Today I do not even have a service anymore. Kpn completely shut down my sim card I cannot even call anymore 1200.

Is the second time they say they resetted my sim card and is going worse and worse.

The funny thing is that if I call 1200 with the phone of my friend (another provider) is impossible to get in touch with an operator.

They sent me a message here is the bollocks they write:

Dear Sir mauro

The reset of your simcard was not done correctly, we apolgize for the inconvenience. We've completed the reset, your phone should work from this moment forth. If you shut your phone down, remove the battery and turn it back on, it should work.

Meer weten?

Kijk ook eens op of bezoek ons Simyo Forum. Hier vindt u snel het antwoord op veel vragen.

Met vriendelijke groet,


The truth is that they do not even know why all this happened at first and they talk utter bullshit plus I cannot take off my battery cos I have a iPhone.

I insert my Italian simcard and it work just fine plus on the service icon appeared Kpn NL this prove it has nothing to do with my phone.

I have to call clients and I am doing with a friend phone while Simyo klant service just apologize and do nothing

pay me back the time and clients I lost instead.

Even if the terieven of Simyo are a bit cheaper better stay with T Mobile , Kpn, Vodafone, Hi at least none of all this shit will happen and you do not look like a idiot with your business.
well after two days we actually by ourself solved the problem they resetted twice the sim card but nothing changed

they also asked to take off and put back again the battery.

unfortunately iphone and other devices cannot do it anymore because it is incorporated so bad tips form them.

we tried then to put the to put another sim card to see if the phone was the problem. with another sim card it worked perfectly when i changed back to simyo sim card i looked and i saw the kpn icon was back.

i called my friend to check if everything was working and i does.

it seems the problem is solved for now. but yesterday and this morning i wasnt unable to work and call clients who is going to pay me back those hours???
The language of your previous post will definitely discourage anyone to make an attempt to help you. However, I suppose that a moderator from Simyo will look into the matter in due course to find out what has happened. Good to know though that things have been resolved in the mean time.

Unless there is a genuine malfunction of your keyboard, you should be aware that posting with excessive use of capitals not only is counterproductive, it also contravenes the rules of this forum. 
and there are also UCC business rules and a service that did not worked for 1 day which none explain me why. right? 

by the time someone looked into the matter i alredy lost two orders yesterday and one today. orders are money and time apologies are wortless cos those potential client are maybe somewhere else.  how will you feel losing client that anyone will compensate and not having your problem solved?

who is going to compensate the loss? 

also the problem was solved not by simyo but by my friends cos anything simyo told us to do it did not result in the problem being solved.

Shouldnt be them the expert? should be them calling back? none of this happenend

we are not IT expert but we solved the problem ourself but is not our job and we are not supposed to lose clients and time for something we did not create.

i did not even wanted to write on this forum but with not service what can you do? they were supposed to call me back but nothing.

so very poor and useless service isnt it? take it and go to improve.

apologies are not enough with the old provider i did not have any of this for 2 years. 
Hi MonteCristo,

I am sorry for the confusion you are experiencing, and the discomfort you had of not being able to use your phone. The situation was actually the following. When your prepaid doesn't have any credit, it gets Soft-blocked. That means you can be called, but can't call yourself. After you recharge, the sim status changes to In Use again, but your phone will have to make a new connection to the network. Usually this happens automatically. Sometimes you have to switch your phone off, wait for a while and turn it back on. It depends on the phone you use. A lot of smartphones don't actually switch off, when you turn them off. That's why we advice to remove the battery. This was adviced without knowing you are using an iPhone. It is a tip that suggests you switch the phone off completely. With an iPhone you can also put your phone in Flight Mode for a couple of minutes. Or remove the sim.

We have tried to help you, but unfortunately the first person you spoke didn't get that you had just recharged your balance. With a phone connection several things that can be the cause of what you experienced. Now you know that when you have this situation again after a recharge, switching the phone off for a reasonable time, or using flight mode for a while, can make your sim find the network faster.

Your messages make it very clear that you are very unhappy about the way we tried to help you. Of course you are free to express that. We are sorry that it didnÂ’t seem to you, like we did everything we could. I can assure you we did. We take our work seriously, and we would appreciate it if in the future, you could assume that we have the best intentions. That is why itÂ’s not appreciated if you use the kind of tone you did in your messages. We are here to listen to everything you have to say, but please keep it in appropriate language and letters.

Our Back Office team also received your email and will answer you as soon as possible.


