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Hi! I am a former Tele2 customer who cancelled their subscription as I thought I was leaving Amsterdam. However, this turned out not to be the case. I came back and want to switch to a different service provider (Simyo, obviously), as well as keep my number.

The problem: I am not sure if I still own my number. The sign-up for Simyo said that they would SMS me in order to confirm the number porting, but I haven't received any messages. I also have no service on my Tele2 sim. I really need to keep this number, as I have used it for a year with everything I've signed up for in the Netherlands, and needing to switch numbers would be a huge pain.

Simyo employees… Is there any way I can still keep my former number while switching to the new service provider? Please help, I need to activate my sim as soon as possible and I cannot do that without completing the number porting 😕 I have also posted this on the Tele2 forums, so maybe there is a solution with them as well.

Thank you!

I think you primairy PointOfContact is Tele2.

They owned your number, and when you cancelled your subscription (without number porting)
they put your number back in the number pool. 

You must ask them about recovering, but since your current Tele2 subscription seems to be
terminated I am not optimistic about them. But I might be wrong.

I think you primairy PointOfContact is Tele2.

They owned your number, and when you cancelled your subscription (without number porting)
they put your number back in the number pool. 

You must ask them about recovering, but since your current Tele2 subscription seems to be
terminated I am not optimistic about them. But I might be wrong.

Ok, thank you. I have also been informed by Tele2 that if my cancellation date is in the future, I can port, but if it ended already, I can’t get it back. I have asked if I can pay for another month to get my number back, and am currently waiting on an answer.

If that is not possible, should I just contact Simyo and ask for a new number through this forum thread, or by a chatbot, etc?

If your go for a new Simyo subscription you just have to follow the normal procedure,
including some form of identification.

Ok, thank you. I have also been informed by Tele2 that if my cancellation date is in the future, I can port, but if it ended already, I can’t get it back. I have asked if I can pay for another month to get my number back, and am currently waiting on an answer.

If that is not possible, should I just contact Simyo and ask for a new number through this forum thread, or by a chatbot, etc?

If your tele2 service is no longer working and you cannot receive the confirmation SMS to transfer your number, I believe Simyo could attempt using another method to request to transfer the number.

You might have received a temporary number already if you completed an order at Simyo. In case your old number cannot be transferred, you can cancel the number transfer (or the whole order). Once you cancel your number transfer, your temporary number will become your new actual number. At that same time your subscriptions will also be activated. Subscriptions are not active before number transfers are completed or cancelled. If you use Simyo while the subscriptions are not active, you will be charged (significantly) for every minute/SMS/MB used.

Simyo employee are also reading this thread (about once a workday) and will assist you with any of the options you have in this thread. There's no need to go to any of the other channels. You can recognise employees by them being "Moderator” or "Community manager” on this forum.

Hi @marfitoes,

Thank you for your message. I see that @Groentjuh and @wimj12 already gave you very usefull information. Thanks a lot gentlemen 😊!

I see that you cancelled the number porting, because your number isn't active anymore at Tele2. As long as your number isn't active anymore, I'm afraid it's not possible to port your number to Simyo. I'm sorry there isn't anything else I can do for you 🙁. You can use your temporary number as your actual number now.

