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Hi Simyo Team,

got a problem with nummerbehoud as per below message by new provider:

Deze aanvraag is afgewezen door je huidige aanbieder omdat voor het opgegeven mobiele nummer al een lopend verzoek voor nummerbehoud in behandeling heeft. Jouw huidige aanbieder kan niet meer dan één aanvraag verwerken.

Can you please check and delete the request, as well as inform the new provider in order to proceed with my nummerbehoud?

Appreciate your support and please let me know once this is arranged.

Thanks in advance.


Hi Maurice,

Welcome to the Simyo Forum!

That sounds like an inconvenience! I just looked your number up, and I see that Ben requested that your number be ported on April 4th. Is that what you wanted? If not, I could make sure that that request gets rejected. Then, Ben could simply send us another request with the correct date. Having said that, you always have to consider that you've got one month to give us notice if you're leaving. This particular request was fixed today, and therefore, you can be ported one month from now (April 4th). '

Will you let me know what date you would've preferred?

Also, I moved your question to a separate topic. This thread is now all yours!

Best regards,

Hi Jihane,

thank you for your quick response! Indeed, I would like to switch to Ben and take my number with me as soon as possible. So I would appreciate if you could let Ben know that the nummerbehoud is confirmed.

thanks and kind regards,

Hi maurice.delattre,

Thank you for clearing this up! I see that you sent a new request for nummerbehoud for the date of 4-4-2017. Our department of nummerbehoud is going to take a look at this request as quickly as possible. If they agree, they will let Ben know that nummerbehoud is confirmed. If they don't agree, they will let Ben know as well.

Will you keep us posted?

Kind regards,

