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I can’t get data almost anywhere, messages come in way later than they were sent to me, and when I call it’s very patchy, to the point where I’m standing at the doorway to the outside or a window and in that same spot the data will go lower, to zero, and then higher and then low again. 

There’s no point for me to keep this simcard, because after seeing other questions on this forum and looking at the website, it seems they can’t really help anyone, its just a bad network. But if I cancel now, I pay 170 euro lumpsum. This doesn’t work for me and isn’t fair either because there is a real problem here.

What can be done? 

Hello @z_hansoti_08,

Thankyou for your message. i'm sorry to see that you had a bad experience with our network! 

Before we can determine that the network is indeed bad we have to start an investigation with the Network Specialist. Can you do 3 speedtests on 3 diffrent locations? I also need the date and time of the moment you did the speedtests. I will then share this with the Network Specialist. We also need to know witch brand phone you have and what model. You can take a screenhsot of the speedtests en send this to with your personal information. 

Hopefully we can solve it for you.

Looking forward to your e-mail! 

