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Could anyone help me please? I have a problem. Well actually would be good to know if there is a way that I can contact simyo directly since my problems is a bit delicate but if anyone can tell me what to do...would be nice. Ok so in the summer i wasnt here and i switched to the lowest bundle just for the summer. When I got back to the Netherlands I tried to switch back to my normal (10 Euro) Bundel and 1000MB internet. But Simyo took out 25 Euros for my Abbonament and I also had to pay all my calls and text messages separately so for September I got a 90 Euro bill from Simyo and I suppose this is going to continue like this. So now I basically have no idea on which abbonament I exactly am, what am i paying, what am i not paying and so on. Please, any help would be much appreciated.
Dear Dragos,

According our system you've changed your bundel back to Simyo Geregeld on 24-09. This means that you had 60 minutes (Simyo Zelden) for the whole month september. You have exceeded you call limit. This is the reason we've charged you for calls in september. Since 01-10 you have 300 minutes for € 6,99 and 1 GB for € 9,99. This is the reason that de invoice of october had a amount of € 16,98. If all what is stated above is not clear to you we recommend you to contact us on telephonenumber 0800-0232300 for more information.


