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First of all my apologies for writing in English, my dutch is not that good yet!

I'm a new Simyo SIM-only customer, coming from Telfort. My subscription witth Telfort ends on 19-11-2012 and I requested the number portability to Simyo at around 30-10-2012. The first response came about a week later, saying that Telfort would only release my number one month later, on 30-11-2012!! That means I'd have to be 11 days without a subscription, paying high calling rates, no internet, etc. So I called Telfort's customer service myself and they *confirmed* that they can release my number even before the 19th, no problem. Then I asked Simyo, via support email, to request the number portability once again, and the response was even worse, my number is now set to ported on the 3rd of December instead! What the hell?? The 19th is coming up soon and I'm still left with my problem unsolved and not hearing anything from Simyo in the last days! Not exactly the start I was expecting...

Could any of the moderators look my case up and tell me what is going on, please? Thanks!
Welcome to our forum oscahie,

Normally it always takes 1 month to transfer your number. We can only transfer your number earlier when we have permission from your previous provider. My advice is to cancel your Telfort termination. Because your subscription will be cancelled by Simyo. If you do it this way you will prevent to have 11 days without a subscription. Unfortunately your request to transfer your number on 19/11 is not possible because we have to follow the number portation rules.

Maybe it's possbile to transfer your number per 5 working days. I will do a request for that. But I still advice you to cancel the Telfort cancelation.


Hi Alex,

Maybe I didn't explain myself correctly, but I have not really cancelled my subscription with Telfort, only that my 2 years abonnement with them ends on 19-11-2012 and from there on I assume I can still use my  number normally but without the discounts in my bundle, i.e. paying a high price.

I'm not sure what the number portability rules are exactly, but as far as I know Telfort says that they can release my number before the 19th and Simyo says that it's not possible. So obviously one of the two is wrong, or at least there is some sort of miscommunication between the two.

When will I know the result of the new request you just made?


Hi oscahie,

Normally the duration of transfering a subscription to a other provider takes 1 month. Because the period of notice is one month. In some cases we can transfer a number earlier, but we need the permission (a good reason) for that. For example: your coverage is not good.

Normally you can use your Telfort subscription till 3/12/12. Your Telfort subscription ends on that date and your Simyo subscription starts on that date. So you don't have to pay 2 subscriptions.

Today we did a new porting request with a duration of 5 working days (5 days is the fastest duration). Telfort will give the permission or not. We only can wait. Most of the times it takes 3 working days. You'll automatically receive an email with the information.


